- Risk Classification in Insurance Markets with Risk and Preference Heterogeneity (with P. Gottardi and H. Moreira), Review of Economic Studies (2023): rdad017 [Official link]
- “Robust Mechanisms: the Curvature Case” (with H. Moreira, V. Carrasco and P. Monteiro), Economic Theory 68.1 (2019): 203-222
- “Optimal Selling Mechanisms under Moment Conditions” (with H. Moreira, V. Carrasco, P. Monteiro, M. Messner and N. Kos), Journal of Economic Theory 177 (2018): 245-279
- “The Private Memory of Aggregate Uncertainty” (with C. da Costa), Review of Economic Dynamics 27 (2018): 169-183
- “Characterization and uniqueness of equilibrium in competitive insurance”, Theoretical Economics 12.3 (2017): 1349-1391
- “Surplus Extraction with Rich Type Spaces” Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (2013), 2749–2762
Work in progress
- (NEW) Signal design and costly visits
- Insuring endogenous health outcomes (with A. Parra)
- (NEW VERSION) Optimal dynamic insurance contracts, working paper
- Online Appendix
- Arxiv version
- Older version entitled Dynamic Competitive Insurance
- “Mixed-strategy equilibria with non-exclusive contracts” (with A. Attar, T. Mariotti and F. Salanié)
- Constrained inefficiency in the Huggett Model (with N. Werquin)
- Robust Selling Mechanisms (with H. Moreira, V. Carrasco and P. Monteiro)
- Material partially included in the paper “Optimal Selling Mechanisms under Moment Conditions”.
- Includes extensions to sale of multiple goods and dynamics.